How do you find if your better half is cheating? Usually, if you are asking this question, you probably suspect that you are in a situation of infidelity. The signs of cheating differ in every relationship, of course, but there are some common signs you can search for. Infidelity is a common challenge in relationships. While people are blindsided by and whey they find out about a spouse cheating, others may suspect cheating because of actions that are out of the norm. You can get help from your trusted friends or perform a loyalty test investigation to find out if your partner is cheating or not. To help you, an advance detective agency has created a list of possible signs that show that your partner is cheating. We are the leading detective agency in India, we offer premarital investigation, loyalty investigations, employee investigation, background check, and more.

Changes In Communication 

When you notice a sudden change in communication with your partner is never a good sign. If your pattern stays calm or no longer their day with you, there’s likely an underlying issue. When you notice the following changes:

  • Don’t care what you say 
  • Ignore your questions 
  • Changes the subject to avoid an issue 
  • Uses dismissive body language
  • If this situation suits you, then it is the perfect time to think about your relationship.

Appearance And Hobbies 

If your partner suddenly begins to start exercising and eat healthier, then that could be a sign that they are trying to become more attractive to someone. When they take up new hobbies to turn themselves into a new one, you need to look into the matter. Your partner is dressing nicer, looking good, or there is a tremendous interest in appearance. 

Attitude Changes 

When your partner may face work stress or issues with other relationships that can turn to changes in attitude. When you notice these signs consider other causes:

  • Your partner seems to want thrills in their life
  • Your partner is more negative 
  • You see your spouse has a sense of confusion about him or herself
  • Your partner becomes more critical to you

Lying And Avoidance 

Dishonesty is a major problem faced by couples in marriage. These avoidance techniques may indicate that your partner may be cheating. 

  • You can feel that you are being avoided
  • They don’t need to go anywhere or do anything with you.
  • You may find your spouse lying to you about a lot of things.
  • Your partner friends seem anxious around you 
  • Your partner accuses you of cheating on them. 


When your partner shows a lack of interest in things that they used to love. If you suspect the following changes may be a further indication of an affair.

  • Your partner is indifferent to family functions like holidays and birthdays.
  • Your partner has become lazy in doing household chores
  • Your partner may seem bored with your children, a job, or hobbies. 
  • Changes In Your Sex Life 
  • It is not uncommon for there to be changes in the frequency of sex in your marriage life. But these signs may indicate the possibility of an illegal affair 
  • There is less intimacy in your relationship 
  • There are many new things introduced that were not known before

Money Related-issues 

In general, all marriages undergo financial crises at one time or another. But you may need to investigate some money-related issues when you notice them in your marriage. You may see charges on credit card statements that don’t make sense. Your partner stops spending on large purchases such as buying a car, international trips, and more.

A Change In Technology Use 

Infidelity is often revealed digitally, in phone messages, text messages, or through messaging apps. These sudden changes may warrant concern.

  • Your partner changes their device password or won’t share it with you 
  • Your partner becomes sudden unreachable when you need them 
  • You can see cloud sharing has been disabled on your devices
  • Your spouse decreases the use of social media 
  • Your partner often clears the browser history on their devices

An Altered Schedule 

When your spouse suddenly expands their working schedule, you need to look into the issue immediately. If your partner has never been away on a business trip and suddenly needs to go on a business trip. This could be a sign that they are going to spend the weekend with an affair partner. Traffic jams, dead batteries, flat tires, and similar excuses for being late might also signal infidelity.

Unexplained Expenses 

If there is a sudden decrease of cash in your partner investment accounts, retirement accounts, and bank accounts, then it is a possible sign of infidelity. If you notice large cash withdrawals or evidence of purchases from places you rarely, that is not definitely a good sign. 


If your significant other could show all the above-mentioned signs and still not be betraying you. But these signs are the underlying issue in their life and/or your relationship. If you need to know what is exactly going on between you and your partner, you can conduct loyalty test investigations on your own or by hiring a detective agency. Because they can protect your privacy and deliver a good report at the end. You can reach out to an Advance detective agency for getting relationship-related investigations at a low cost. 

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